
In his research, Marcus Kaiser analyses the image as a medium, taking into account historical, philosophical, cultural and social aspects. He concentrates on examining the concept of the image in everyday life and in art, taking a differentiated look at various image forms and structures. His aim is to explore the nature of the image and its influence on the individual and society. By researching and deconstructing media-specific characteristics and dispositives of image techniques, Kaiser strives for a deeper understanding of their modes of action. This serves as a basis for a better understanding of the emergence of ideologies and differences.

Selected exhibitions

2021Collection Co Selection
Ujazdowski Castle – Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
2020Fotokunst! Eine kurze Geschichte der Fotokunst
Kunstmuseum Heidenheim, Germany
2018Autumn sweating and thinking in space and image
(with Christin Kaiser, Silvia Lorenz, Mario Margani, Susa Templin, Ina Weber, Christina Zück a.o.), Instant IV, Berlin, Germany
Something new, nothing borrowed, a lot of blue
Ujazdowski Castle – Centre for Contemporary Art, Warsaw, Poland
2017Poetics of Light
National Media Museum, Bradford, United Kingdom (catalog)
Crystal Math
(with Markus Wirthmann), GlueBerlin, Berlin, Germany (Solo Exhibition)
2015What is Social
(with Korpys/Löffler, Bruce Naumann, Barbara Kruger, Jenny Holzer, Christian Boltanski, James Turrell, Lawrence Weiner, a.o.), Centre for Contemporary Art, Ujasdowski Castle, Warsaw, Poland
2014Poetics of Light
New Mexico Museum, Palace of the Governors, Santa Fee,
New Mexico, USA (catalog)
(with Susanne Bürner, Berta Fischer, Ina Weber, Gudrun Gut, Falk Kulawik, a.o.) Pinnow, Uckermark, Germany
Instant II
(mit Susa Templin, DAG, Katharina Lüdicke) Invalidenstr. 6, Berlin, Germany
2013 Berlin 90 +
Rencontres Images et Ville; La Ville-la Ruine, Negpos, Nimes, France (Solo Exhibition)
2012black&white memories
Cussler, Berlin
2011Biennale Images et Patrimoine
Nimes, France
Franzi’s Choice – Works on Paper
Museo Premoderno, Lubljana, Slovenia
International Veneer
GLUE, Berlin, Germany
2010Wall Views
Berlin Wall Memorial, Exhibition Centre , Berlin, Germany(Solo Exhibition)
Record Again
Edith-Ruß-Haus für Medienkunst, Oldenburg; Germany (catalog)
Ephraims-Palais, Stadtmuseum Berlin, Germany (catalog)
Recorgd Aain
ZKM Karlsruhe, Germany
40 Jahre Videokunst.de
Ludwig Forum für internationale Kunst, Aachen, Germany (catalog)
2008Here a Change Occurs
Galerie Kordegarda, Zacheta National Gallery, Warzaw, Poland
2007Der Silberne Koffer
Montgomery, Berlin, Germany
Performance Z-A: a Pavilion for Storefront’s 25th Anniversary
New York, USA
2006Teilaspekte der Ruine
GLUE, Berlin, Germany (solo exhibition)
Museum Bitola, Macedonia (solo exhibition)
Abel Neue Kunst, Berlin, Germany
+ z.T. Garten
eye-kju, Universität Greifswald, Germany (solo exhibition, catalog))
Licht ! Zeitgenössische Fotografie
Glue, Berlin, Germany
Kammern, Wände
Fleisch zeigt, Cafe Moskau, Berlin, Germany
Akademie Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart, Germany
2002Friede, Freiheit, Freude
Galerie Guido W. Baudach, Berlin, Germany
2001Circles °5 – Montana Sacra
ZKM-Karlsruhe, Germany (catalog)
2000Hornblower Fischer in Waskowo
Maschenmode, Galerie Guido W. Baudach, Berlin, Germany (solo exhibition)
Maschenmode, Berlin, Germany (solo exhibition)

TZR Galerie, Bochum, Germany (solo exhibition)
Shift e.v., Berlin, Germany
Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design, ZKM, Germany (solo exhibition)
1996Fotografie in der zeitgenössischen Kunst
Maschinenhalle Friedlicher Nachbar, Bochum, Germany
1995Zeitgeschichte 95
Federal Ministry of Education and Research, Germany (catalog)
Marcus Kaiser-Fotografische Arbeiten
Heidenheim Art Museum; Germany (solo exhibition, catalog)
Aneignung von Welten
Museum of Art and Cultural History, Dortmund, Germany (catalog)
1992Hors Serie
Galerie Contretype, Brussels, Belgium (solo exhibition)
Mozart in soundtracks and visual spaces, Daniel-Pöppelmann-Haus Herford, Germany (catalog)
1991Wall Views
Galerie du Théatre de l’Agora, Evry-Cedex, France
D’un mur à l’autre
Mai de la Photo, Reims, France (catalog)
1990Prize for Young European Photographers
Martin-Gropius-Bau, Berlinische Galerie, Berlin, Germany (catalog)
1989Karzinome im Gehirn
Württembergischer Kunstverein Stuttgart, Germany
Four Photographers
Kunstverein Schorndorf, Germany


1966born in Stuttgart/ Germany
1989 -1993Studied visual communcation/ photography at the University of Applied Sience Bielefeld and Sociology at the Bielefeld University
1990Award at Young European Photographers Prize
1993 -1996Postgraduate studies at the Karlsruhe University of Arts and Design (HfG) and the ZKM | Center for Art and Media Karlsruhe
1996Research Grant from the Senate Department for Science, Research and Culture , Berlin
2002Working Grant by Academy Schloss Solitude, Stuttgart and Ujasdowski Castle, Warsaw
2004Project Grant from the Federal Foreign Office for Macedonia
2002-2008Research fellow (post doc) at the Caspar-David-Friedrich Institute, Greifswald University
2008Visiting lecturer at the Department of Art and Design at the Anhalt University in Dessau
2009Project Grant from the Federal Government Commissioner for Pommern
2010Nomination Mauerblicke/ Wall Views for the German Photobook Award
2011Visiting lecturer at the Dresden Academy of Fine Arts
since 2012
Senior lecturer at the Department of Design, Würzburg University
2013Visiting lecturer at the Queensland College of Arts, Griffith University, Brisbane, Australia
2019Visiting lecturer at the Abadir Accademia di design e arti visive, Catania, Italy
2020Visiting lecturer at the German Jordan Univerity, Amman, Jordan

List of publications

Catalogues and Monographs (Selection)

Marcus Kaiser. Im Blick der Bilder.

Marcus Kaiser, Im Blick der Bilder
Digitalität, Fotografie & Bildkultur
132 pages, Springer Wiesbaden , 2023
ISBN 978-3-658-41265-4

Marcus Kaiser - Mauerblicke

Marcus Kaiser, Mauerblicke/Wall Views
Catalogue on the occasion of the exhibition
FALLMAUERFALL; Museum Ephraims-Palais, Berlin, 2009.
With a text by Knut Ebeling
48 pages, extra verlag, ISBN 978-3-938370-38-4

Marcus Kaiser - Garten

Marcus Kaiser, z. T. Garten
With texts by Jens Lohwieser and Jörg Boström
32 pages, Greifswald University Press, 2004
ISBN 978-3-86006-228-9

Marcus Kaiser - Heidenheim

Marcus Kaiser- Fotografische Arbeiten
Published by Réné Hirner, Heidenheim Art Museum, 1994
ISBN 978-3-929935-02-8

Published Catalogues

NOVP: New photography and media art from Western Pomerania
Published by Marcus Kaiser, Greifswald University, 2009
extra verlag, ISBN 978-3-938370-27-8

Menschenbild, Körperbild
(Image of Man, Image of the Body)
Photographic works
Published by Marcus Kaiser, Greifswald University Press
ISBN 978-3-86006-370-5

mikro makro

mikro makro
Published by Marcus Kaiser, Dieter Leistner, Stefan Niese
FHWS, Fakultät Gestaltung Würzburg, Querfeldein Verlag, 2017
ISBN 978-3-98104-282-5

Works in Catalogues (Selection)

Under the open sky: Artists working with alternative photography, Logos, Berlin, 2017
Esthétique du mur géopolitique, Quebéc, 2015
Poetics of Light: Pinhole Photography: Selections from the Pinhole Resource Collection. Museum of New Mexico Press, 2014.
Record > Again!: 40jahrevideokunst.de – Teil 2; Peter Weibel u. Christoph Blase,
Hatje Cantz Verlag, 2010. S. 176-179
Le sténopé – De la photographie sans objectif, Jean-Michel Galley , Elisabeth Towns, Actes Sud, 2008
Organisation- Korpys/Löffler 1990-2005, Hrsg. von Christoph Keller, Revolver-Verlag, 2006.  S.262-289
Moving Territories, Kunst – Öffentlichkeit – Neue Medien, Akademie Schloss Solitude und Merz Akademie Stuttgart 2003
A Need for Realism- Solitude in Ujadowski; Centrum Sztuki Wspólczesnej Zamek Ujazdowski, Warschau, 2002.
Circles , Siemens Kultur Projekte / ZKM-Karlsruhe. Revolver-Verlag 2002.
Der Wandel, Nr.1(Polen), Künstlermagazin, Berlin 2001
Zeitgeschichte 95, Ministerium für Bildung Forschung und Wissenschaft, Bonn 1995
Aneignung von Welten, Brigitte Buberl (Hrsg.)Museum für Kunst und Gewerbe, Dortmund 1993, S. 98-101
Contretype, No.: 31, Brüssel 1992, S. 6-7
Mai de la Photo, Reims 1991, S. 16 u.18
Mozart in Tonspuren und Bildräumen, Kunsthalle Herford, Herford 1991, S. 42-44

Selecteted Magazines, newspapers, CDs and DVDS

Sammelstelle in: Medien Kunst Interaktion: Medienkunst von 1980-1999 in Deutschland (CD-ROM), Wien 1999.
Wall Views in Pinhole Photography: Rediscovering a Historic Technique, Eric Renner (Hrsg.), Focal Press, Cambridge , Oktober 1999, S. 106-108
Wall Views, Portfolio Magazine, No.:13, Edinburgh 1992, S. 22-23
Wall Views, Creative Camera, 1/1992, London, GB. S. 38-41
European Photography 45, Young European Photographers `90, 1991. S. 34-35.
Jörg Boström: Die optische Hütte von Marcus Kaiser, Virtuelles Magazin 2000, 30/2005 :
Jens Lohwieser: Fotoskulptur – Die Stadt in der Hütte; Berliner Zeitung v. 12.11.2003
Cathy Curtis: Peeping through Pinholes, Los Angeles Times v. 21.02.1991
Nicole Donath: Verführung der Fotografie , Neue Westfälische Zeitung, v. 26.03. 1992

Selected Texts

Knut Ebeling
-> The Wall as Medium. Image, medium, ideology in Marcus Kaiser’s Wall Views

Clara Paquet
-> It´s all about the Images we know so well, in Marcus Kaisers Catalogue: About all the images we know so well
-> Two walk´s, in Marcus Kaisers Catalogue: Two walks

Rómulo Peña
-> Las Dos Caras de la Moneda


Schönhauser Allee 129
Germany, Berlin – 10437

Fakultät Gestaltung Würzburg
Sanderheinrichsleitenweg 20
Germany, Würzburg – 97074

Press Portrait

Marcus Kaiser

Marcus Kaiser, 2023

© Katharina Lüdicke